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Online Great Books Podcast

Dec 11, 2018

In today’s episode Scott chats with fellow Great Books educator Adam Rose. Mr. Rose is a University of Chicago alum and, since 1993, an instructor for the Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults offered by the University of Chicago Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies. The Basic Program is a four-year, non-credit course for adults, first established by Robert Hutchins and Mortimer Adler in 1946. The mission of the Basic Program is, first and foremost, to assist adults in their ongoing personal and civic self-development by facilitating critical, collaborative, first-hand engagement with great works of the mind. This is accomplished by reading the Great Books and discussing in seminars using the Socratic method.


In addition to his work with the Basic Program, Adam lectures on a number of topics related to the Great Books. He is a prolific writer as well, and a selection of his writings, lectures, and more can be found on his website: